
Thursday, 13 October 2016


Today the 100WC prompt was the sentence: The Material felt like. I really enjoyed writing this one because it adds more mystery. See if you can spot the prompt in my story and comment the sentence I use it in!

Lilly no, you don't have to do this! I heard Amber's words ringing in my ears. I took a deep breath and opened the lock on the Glass velvet lined case. I had been given this mission by the Owl King, Get the Akaroa diamond and bring it back to me and I´ll let them go The Owl King had told me. I felt the Velvet, the material felt like silk beneath my fingers covering them in dust. Why did I have to do this? I asked myself. I quickly changed the diamond for a fake one and jumped out the window with the diamond feeling really ashamed.


  1. What an amazing image you invoke when naming a 'glass velvet lined case.' What a pity you did not have more words to expand on your story. Do you ever imagine expanding these great ideas into longer stories.

    I look forward to your next blog post.

    1. Hi Mr Robertson,
      Yes I am thinking of combining all of my stories. It is a shame that I don't have anymore words to write with. What's the point of getting us to write a story if we only have so many words?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Hannah,

    Amazing story! I really like some of the words you have used. Have you ever thought about putting these on Storybird? Great story Hannah!

    Looking forward to more posts!

    Yaldhurst Model School, Christchurch

  4. Hey Hannah!I
    I like how you have put a question in there to make people reply! What does 100WC stand for? I think it is I felt the velvet, the material felt like silk beneath my fingers covering them in dust? Overall it was great!

    Kind Regards

    1. Hi Noah,
      Thanks for your feedback! 100WC stands for ¨100 word challenge¨, the challenge is that we are not allowed over 100 words in our story. Yes you are right!
      From Hannah

    2. Hi Noah,
      Thanks for your feedback! 100WC stands for ¨100 word challenge¨, the challenge is that we are not allowed over 100 words in our story. Yes you are right!
      From Hannah


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