
Thursday, 25 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey: Week 1, Activity 4

Activity 1:

Listen to waiatas and choose your favorite. 

I am a Kapa Haka leader at my school so I didn't feel the need to listen to any but my favorite one to perform is probably Hareluia.

Activity 2:

List the name of a Maori game, the goal or the purpose of the game and two rules.

Last year I was on the student council, as part of that we conducted a ki o rahi tournament for all the schools in our cluster. With sport canterbury's help we got all the schools together, taught them the game and then sent them away asking them to form two teams at their schools and then bring the team's back for a tournament.

We got on stuff here.

Posted by Hannah.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey-Week 1-Activity 3

Week 1: Activity 3

Activity 1: Write on your blog how you would feel to have eight to nine siblings.

I would feel annoyed and sad-I only have one sibling and It is annoying sometimes. I would feel like Ron Weasley off Harry Potter.

Activity 2: Write a Mihi.

Here is the template they gave me for this.  SAMPLE PEPEHA
Ko ________________________ te maunga    The mountain that I affiliate* to is…
Ko ________________________ te awa          The river that I affiliate to is….
Ko ________________________ te waka The waka that I affiliate to is…
Ko ________________________ tōku tīpuna My founding ancestor is…
Ko ________________________ tōku iwi          My tribe is…
Ko ________________________ tōku hapu My sub-tribe is…
Ko ________________________ tōku marae My marae is…
Ko ________________________ ahau I am from…
Ko________ rāua ko ___________ōku mātua  My parents are … and …
Ko ________________________ tōku ingoa. My name is …

I did not use this because most of my family is from (or is descended from):England, Australia, France, Scotland, Wales. So I do not have an iwi,marae or hapu.

Here is my Mihimihi:

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.

Ko Aoraki te maunga.

Ko Waimakariri te awa.

Kei West melton toku kainga noho.

No Hei Hei ahau.

Ko Mrs Spragg taku kaiako

Ko Mrs Taylor taku kaiako

Ko Yaldhurst toku kura.

Ko Helen raua ko Paul oku koro.

Ko Keath raua ko Wendy oku kuia.

Ko Sharon toku whaea.

Ko Dan toku matua.

Ko Asher tōku tuakana

Tekau mā tahi oku tau.

Ko Hannah toku ingoa.

No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey: Week 1, Activity 2.

Summer Learning Journey: Week 1, Activity 2.

Activity 1-Compare a wharepuni with your own house, Two differences, Two Similarities. 


  1. Materials used to make houses; There houses were made out of bark, Rushes, Tree Ferns, earth, thatched roof. Now houses are made out of steel, wooden frames filled with insulation. They sit above the ground on concrete and my house is made out of bricks.
  2.  Different houses for everything; They had, wharepuni (sleeping houses), pātaka (storehouses), kāuta (cooking houses) and wharenui (meeting houses). Now everything is done in one house and in my opinion this is much more convenient.


  1. Usage: We do use houses for sleeping just like they did (although our houses are used for a whole lot of other things not just sleeping). 
  2. Shape: The same triangular shape has stayed pretty much the same. 
Activity 2- Draw a picture of your dream job. 

I had some problems with this because I have more than one so I ended up drawing everyone of them. 

Monday, 8 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey: Week 1

Summer Learning Journey: Week 1,

Activity 1-What three things did you learn about Maui?

I did not learn anything, I knew the story "Maui and the giant fish" and have read it on numerous occasions before this. Here is the link they sent me to.

Activity 2-Imagine you are on a waka and traveling to New Zealand, write a letter to a friend telling them how you  feel.

Here is my letter:

Dear Anahera,

We have been sailing for six nights now, everyone colder than the last. Hemi and
Awhina are becoming more and more frantic as the moons pass. Kupe says that we
will be there soon but I am not so sure, we have already past three other wakas and
i'm sure there are more to come. Tāwhirimātea has been kind to us and Tangaroa has

I am nervous of this new land, Hemi says that he is excited but in his child brain
I know he is just as nervous as I am. We are all sad you are not here with us, we miss
your jokes and child-like nature. Awhina cries for you at night and I try to comfort
her, telling her that you will be with us soon.

Please tell me how you are fearing, I worry that without Anaru you are not getting
the meat you need. But you have Hohepa now and I am glad of that.

Love from, Ataahua