For the last few weeks we have been doing free write, in free write we had to choose a picture and then write a story about that picture. I really enjoyed this because it was testing my imagination and I want to be a tween writer when im older. After we have finished our stories we had to bring them to Mrs Taylor and she would give us an editing sheet to work with. I haven't finished my Story yet so please keep in mind that it is not finished and that I have not edited it properly yet.
The Magic Circle
The morning was a chilly autumn morning, jack frost was out and about. My bare legs had goose bumps and I wished I had put on tights this morning. Our school skirts aren't exactly warm. I ran through the school gates, wishing the classroom was closer, navy blue and white was everywhere, I shoved my bag into my locker that I shared with Olivia. Suddenly it hit me like a someone had dropped a directory on my head, my sea blue eyes were wide, today was the massive french test and I forgot to study! I ran out of the locker room
“Jeez Lilly, you're gonna trip over. Slow down!” I thought to myself and slowed down instantly, imagining me tripping over and everyone laughing, embarrassing! I pushed open the door and walked in, spotting them instantly. Olivia, Matilda and River, my bffs all had blond hair. While Olivia, Matilda and I all had blue eyes, Rivers were a yellowish green.
“Hey Lilly, I like what you've done with your hair” Olivia said to me. I moved my hand to my dirty blond hair, which was up in a fishtail braid.
“Thanks but that's not important. Did you guys study for the french test?” I asked urgently.
“I'm doing spanish” River reminded me
“Yeh, it was really confusing” Olivia said
“Same, but you know i'm crap at language” Matilda told me
“Umm, I may have forgotten to” I said twisting my fingers
“It's ok, we can help you study at lunch. Remember french is last period today” Matilda reassured me
“Ok” I said, not so sure. Suddenly the bell rung making all of us jump. I moved to my desk. Mr Rosenberg walked to the front of the class and started taking the roll
“Jamie Andrews, Merida Anderson...” but I tuned out,
“It's ok, you know heaps of french you probably know everything for the test already” I thought and quickly tuned back in just as he was calling out my twin brother's name (Luke Walter)
“Lilly Walter” He said and I raised my hand.
That lunch I had to stay back in the classroom to talk to the math teacher. I walked out to the cafeteria and loaded up my tray with fries and a burrito. I walked outside and sat under the tree we had agreed to meet under. River, Oliva and Matilda weren't there yet,
“Thats weird, im sure that they said this tree.” I thought but I couldn't think about it for long and pulled out my massive french textbook and started to read. The bell rang and I still hadn't seen them all lunch. I walked to History, they weren't in class ether. I tried to pay attention but all I could think about was where they were. I exited class in a haze, not really paying attention to anything. Until Destiny ran up to me, her dirty blond hair up in a ponytail with a pink bow on the top.
“Hey Lills!” she said and walked next to me
“Oh, hey Destiny. Do you know where Olivia, Matilda and River are?” I asked
“You know, Olivia Williams, Matilda Rogers, River King. I thought you knew them, they have been in your class since grade 1”
“Huh? Do I need to worry about you?”
“No, there definitely real.” I said but I started to doubt myself.
That day after school I asked my french teacher if she knew where Matilda and Olivia were but she just looked at me strangely and asked if I was feeling ok because she had no idea who they were.
“Lills, come on!” Luke called to me
“Yeh, yeh. I’m coming” I said and walked out the door.
When we were walking home I cautiously asked Luke about my friends,
“So… did anyone you know disappear at lunch today?” I asked him
“No, what are you doing?” he asked
“Nothing, nothing. Just out of interest did you see any of my friends at lunch today?” I asked him
“Yeh sure, I saw Lila by the- What are you doing?” he said, stopping mid sentence.
“But you didn't see anyone of my friends, like River or Matilda or Oliva, maybe?” I asked ignoring his question.
“Who are River, Matilda and Oliva? I have never heard of them and we have been in the same classroom since kindergarten” he said and I decided to make a more visual approach, I pulled out my phone and looked for photos of them but everywhere they were in photos had disappeared. My camera roll was filled with blank backgrounds or groupies with only me and Destiny in them, were they were supposed to be in selfies was just the blank background. I stuffed my phone in my pocket and grumbled
“Never mind”. We pushed open the blue door to our home and we saw that Dad was sitting at the kitchen bench, reading a book on “Acting in the 1950’s”.
“Hey Dad.” we both said and ran up the stairs to our rooms, I threw my bag down on the ground and looked at the photo frames on my bookshelf, I wasn't surprised when most of them were just blank backgrounds. My stomach grumbled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten that much at lunch. Dragging my feet back down the stairs I wished for not the first time that we lived in a one story house. I made myself a cheese,ham,pineapple and tomato toastie.
“How was school?” Dad asked me, he had his “I'm not going to work today clothes on” with comfy jeans and a t-shirt that said, “I write, what's your Superpower?”. His dirty blond hair looked like he hadn't combed it today. If he was younger he could have been, mine and Luke's triplet brother, except for the fact that Luke and I had blue eyes and Dad had green. Dad was an Actor, Author and he owned a cafe that was called “The green bean”. Our Mum left when Luke and I were three, so Dad had been a single Dad for a long time, i’m not sure how he balances all of his jobs but he does.
“It was ok. I forgot to study for a massive french test today but I think I did pretty well anyway” I said cutting my toastie and taking a massive bite, indicating that I was really hungry and done talking about school.
It was two hours later when I was reading on my bed, I looked up at my pink and white clock and sat up and ran down the stairs, Dad may have all of these talents but he was a horrible cooker. Luke wouldn't be able to boil water so this left me to do all of the cooking, today I was making Salmon and homemade chips. Cooking distracted me from thinking about Oliva, River and Matilda. I served up the food but ate in a daze, while Luke and Dad talked all I could think about were where they were. I was jolted out of my thoughts by Dad talking
“Lills? You sure you're ok?” he asked me
Wow Hannah. This is a good story. I love your language, there are some really gripping sentences. When are you going to write the next part?
ReplyDeletegood work on the photo from jacob williams