
Tuesday, 12 September 2017

The Golden Ticket

This Weekend I was performing my dance schools performance of ¨The Golden Ticket¨. Selwyn School of Dance is my Dance school and ¨The Golden Ticket¨ is the first performance that the Contemporary,Jazz,Hip Hop, Musical Theater and Theater Craft classes got to have their own performance. ¨The Golden ticket¨ is the dance schools version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. For the Matinee I was Veruca Salt, I had so much fun being Veruca and I got to speak with a british accent, my favorite line was,
¨I want a Squirrel, I want one! All ive got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits and three parakeets and two canneries and a turtle and a silly old hamster! I WANT A SQUIRREL!¨. Then in the evening show I was a Villager, a Pure Imagination girl and a Squirrel.
All the leads got a flower that was dyed rainbow.


  1. Hannah,

    We were so proud of your performance on Saturday. We know how much hard work you put into the role and into learning the dances. You should be proud that your hard work paid off.

    I enjoyed reading about the line you enjoyed the most. Was it a hard line to learn? There seems to be lots of things to remember.

    :) From Mum

    1. Hey Mum!
      Thanks! I am really proud of what I did and achieved. I was worried about the line at first but then Miss Camilla told me that I could just make it up as I went along.
      From Hannah.

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  3. I agree with Mum, it was really cool and you worked really hard at it - which paid off! I enjoyed how you really 'got into character'.


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