
Wednesday, 7 March 2018

My MihiMihi

Here is my MihiMihi. A MihiMihi explains who you are and where you come from and is very traditional.

Here is my video of me saying my Mihi:

Here is my written Mihi as well: 

My MihiMihi

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.

Ko  Ngāti Tahinga te maunga.

Ko Waimakariri te awa.

Kei West Melton toku kainga noho.

No Hei Hei ahau.

He tauira ahau ki te kura o Yaldhurst.

Ko Sharon Spragg taku kaiako.

Ko Angela Taylor taku kaiako.

Ko Keath raua ko Paul oku koro.

Ko Wendy raua ko Helen oku kuia.

Ko Sharon toku whaea.

Ko Dan toku matua.

Ko Asher tōku Te tuakana

tekau ma rua oku tau.

Ko Hannah toku ingoa.

No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.


  1. Ka pai mahi Hannah! How wonderful that you are able to present yourself in te reo Māori. Having a mihimihi is a distinct feature of living in Aotearoa. I think being able to recite your mihimihi is a great way of taking pride in your family and country. Thank you for sharing.

    I look forward to your next blog post.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Zack,
      Thanks for your comment! Next time you comment try to think about what you liked about the post and what I could improve on with my post. Also check your spelling before you post your comment.
      From Hannah

  3. Hello Hannah,
    My name is Grace and I am from Yaldhurst Model School i really like how you put the video for you MihiMihi so we can see your art work and then you also put your writing so some people can read it as well. did you think about putting a bit more of a description on why you are doing this and how long it took to make this whole entire presentation. Also why did you decide to use that pose in your photo for your artwork? But overall great work.

    Yours Sincerely Grace

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ki Ora Hannah. My name is Lavinia and I go to Waikowhai Primary School. I am in Hauraki. I really like how you are learning Maori at school. Next time could maybe write a little more to describe what you did. Other than that you were awesome.
    If you want to see my blog here is the website, I can't wait to see more of your work!!! Catch Ya Later Blogger!!!


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