
Monday, 3 December 2018

Pet day

Last Friday was pet day. In the morning we made Sand Saucer or Vegetable Sculptures in class. Bree didn't have anything so her and I made a Sand Saucer together.

We didn't win anything but we were proud of it. I didn't have a pet to bring (We never bring our cats and our dog goes insane) so I brought my Unicorn Pillow Pet. Then we had to go outside to watch some sheep shearing, Hobby Horse Racing and Duck Herding. My grandparents were looking after my little cousin and they brought her along to watch the duck herding and other things. 

Then it was lunch time, I hung out with my cousin and grandparents until they had to go home. The PTA also had a sausage sizzle and my Dad was cooking.  

Then we had some agrisports to play in out house teams. (sorry no photos from that) Then the pets started arriving, I was helping juge (Read: writing) the small dogs but I got pulled away to the big dogs. (also no photos). Then my Dad and Brother came and picked me up from school and we home. 

That was pet day! 

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